Akero ensures that information about the company's privacy policy and personal information management practices is easily accessible to customers. This information helps us determine your best interests and how we can continue to create a better experience for you.

Processing Time

When placing an order for purchased items, sellers require time to arrange the order. Upon receiving the order, a series of processes are undertaken, including payment verification, gathering the ordered items, and ensuring the preparation of the shipped products for customers.

Shipping Rate

Shipping methods typically involve various related details, often determined by factors such as flat rates, item weight, or even the distance to the shipping destination. Therefore, to select the most suitable shipping method, the company or shipper needs to carefully consider factors such as delivery speed, reliability, and, of course, the costs associated with each method.

Shipment Confirmation & Order Tracking

You can monitor information regarding order confirmation and tracking if you order online. You will receive an email or notification with details about your order and a tracking number. With this tracking number, you can monitor the status of your shipment through the courier's website or app.